Sample CogAT® Test Questions for Grade 3

CogAT sample test questions for grade 3

Hey there, parents of grade 3 superstars! Are you ready to put your child’s cognitive abilities to the test? It’s time to show off your loved one’s brain power with the gifted exam! This isn’t just an average test – it’s a chance to polish your child’s exceptional abilities in verbal, quantitative, and nonverbal reasoning. Who knows, you might have a gifted child and not even know it yet! So, encourage your precious to have fun and flex those mental muscles. Read on to understand more about how the CogAT test can help your 3rd grader.

The CogAT 3rd grade assesses verbal, nonverbal, and quantitative abilities and is frequently used for admission to the gifted and talented program. The “sentence completion” and “picture classification” require a student to have a larger vocabulary, the ability to understand synonym usage (especially in the picture classification section), and the ability to associate words with their related categories. Sections like the “number analogies” highlight subtle number relationships while also requiring the child to add and subtract various numerical quantities.

The gifted test is divided into three batteries- verbal, quantitative, and non verbal which assist to gauge the different cognitive abilities of your kid. Regular practice of all three battery questions on the Gifted Test Prep will assist your little one to prepare for the actual test and feel exam ready.

The verbal battery of the CogAT assesses the ability to understand and use language effectively. The quantitative battery measures a capacity to solve mathematical problems while the nonverbal battery helps to test your 3rd grader’s ability to understand visual-spatial relationships and patterns.

To check more such CogAT practice test questions, click here

cogat practice test grade 3
verbal reasoning
Verbal test
gifted verbal practice questions
cognitive abilities test
CogAT quantitative
CogAT verbal
CogAT nonverbal
CogAT form 8
picture based CogAT sample questions
gifted 3rd grade test sample

For a more detailed explanation, click here

The sample CogAT questions for grade 3 in this blog offer a glimpse into the types of questions your child may encounter on the test. While they may seem challenging at first, with determination and regular practice on the Gifted app, your child will gradually understand how to approach the questions. So, encourage your kiddie to stay curious and have fun during the practice sessions so it doesn’t feel like a chore, and he/she enjoys the journey.


Cognitive Abilities Test™ (CogAT®) is a registered trademark of Riverside Assessments, LLC and its affiliates (“Riverside”). Riverside does not sponsor or endorse any products or programs, nor has this product or program been reviewed, certified, or approved by Riverside. The questions used by are’s own materials, created based on publicly available information, and in no way do they correspond to actual CogAT® testing materials. uses practice materials only; not actual test questions.  Trademarks referring to Riverside are used for nominative purposes only and such trademarks are solely the property of their respective owner.